Environmental Consulting

EHS Business Risk Management

Trinity takes a holistic approach to elevating your EHS risk management, encompassing compliance, operational risks, sustainability, and business performance.

Companies traditionally manage EHS risks and performance by establishing management systems, compliance programs, and compliance auditing programs. Although these measures may be implemented systematically, they’re often designed specifically to address established EHS standards and requirements, and measure associated conformance.

Trinity raises the bar on how we help our clients by applying an enterprise-wide business risk view to addressing EHS compliance, risk and performance management:

  • EHS business risk assessments and implementation consulting that incorporate environmental, health and safety, sustainability/carbon, and business/operational considerations
  • Assessment of EHS function/organization and infrastructure effectiveness and improvement
  • Assessment, improvement, and development of EHS compliance auditing programs
  • EHS business risk management training

Trinity’s EHS business risk assessment encompasses several of the following stages:

  • Understand the tone-at-the-top, including overall governance, control environment, and objectives, as well as roles and responsibilities between corporate, business and facility level organizations
  • Assess the existence and effectiveness of procedures, management controls and systems for EHS and associated business functions
  • Ascertain how effectively corporate-level requirements and expectations are being implemented and integrated into business- and site-level operations
  • Benchmark the client’s EHS program to those of competitors and customers to provide insight into attributes of EHS compliance, risk and performance management programs, and to identify potential improvement opportunities
  • Identify strengths, gaps, and improvement opportunities as a basis to plan and implement program improvements
Following this process provides our clients with a holistic approach to assessing and improving EHS functional effectiveness, and management of EHS compliance, risk, and performance.

How Else We Can Help

Related Services


EHS Management Systems

Trinity's professionals bring decades of management system experience to client engagements, encompassing a complete spectrum of EHS&Q systems: ISO14001, RC14001, ISO 45001, ISO 50001, and ISO 9001.

Auditing and Verification

Boost EHS compliance and performance with tailored Auditing & Verification solutions for regulatory compliance, management systems, and risk management.

PHA and Risk Assessments

Trinity Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) experts have extensive experience with hazard identification, evaluation, and mitigation services.

Our Results

Featured Projects

Blue barrels stacked on pallets

Trinity’s Technical RCRA Expertise Supports Streamlined Permitting

Our RCRA specialists help companies facing challenges with the extensive documentation and intricate details required for Part A and Part B permitting.

Trinity Brings Calm Vigilance to Packaging Giant’s Multisite Environmental Reporting Requirements

A very large packaging company in Illinois partnered with Trinity Consultants to evaluate and improve their environmental program.

Frazier Collaborates with Trinity Consultants to “Green Light” Compliance for Plant Operations and Expansions

Trinity has supported Frazier's multimedia environmental compliance reporting since 2017 across five states and multiple facilities.

Meet the Team


Rich Pandullo

Director, EHS Management

Partnering with Trinity

Let’s collaborate. What can we help you achieve?

We invite you to contact us with your specific challenges. Let’s see how we can succeed together! Contact us to discuss how we can work together and achieve your goals. 

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