Water & Ecology

Fish Population Assessment

Our fish enumeration methods help support high quality data collection and study design.

Trinity Consultants’ Water & Ecology team is a leader in developing and implementing a variety of fish enumeration methods and monitoring programs in British Columbia, across Canada and around the world.

Accurate predictions of potential effects to natural fish populations are of vital importance in the decision-making process for our clients and for regulatory agencies. Formulation of accurate predictions and effective monitoring of fish populations requires accurate, high quality fisheries data collection and robust study design.

How Else We Can Help

Related Services


Fish and Fish Habitat Studies

Fish and fish habitat studies require expertise in fish behavior, site-specific capture techniques and more.

Aquatic Biological and Ecological Assessment

An understanding of the biology and ecology of aquatic ecosystems is critical to the design and interpretation of studies intended to evaluate potential influences of a project.


How We Can Help

What We Offer

We tailor our fisheries services and work as required to meet our client needs, including:
  • Determining the presence/absence of fish species
  • Estimating the size of natural populations
  • Monitoring fish movement
  • Developing key life stages periodicity charts
  • Monitoring for changes in population that may be caused by development.
We have many years of experience and expertise in the design and implementation of adult and juvenile fish abundance and migration studies in dozens of streams in BC. 

Our team is highly skilled in fish enumeration methods, including:
  • Electrofishing
  • Snorkel surveys (including night snorkeling)
  • Minnow trapping
  • Video surveillance
  • Mark-and-recapture techniques
  • Radio telemetry and PIT tags with remote antenna receivers to monitor fish migration.
We have also recently begun research into the applicability of environmental DNA (eDNA) as a method of detecting fish populations. This method applies when standard methods are either too costly, are unable to detect low population densities, or do not effectively determine presence or absence of elusive species.