United States

California - Sacramento

Local Leadership

Emily Kolb

Emily Kolb

Managing Consultant
Learn More

California - Sacramento

7919 Folsom Blvd, Suite 320
Sacramento, California 95826


California - Sacramento

Our Services Offered

Our local Sacramento staff have expertise in the following areas.

Air Dispersion Modeling

Trinity provides a wide range of air quality modeling consulting services for regulatory applications, emergency planning, and human health assessments.

Air Quality Permitting

Trinity Consultants are experts in air permitting support for compliance with the Clean Air Act, offering comprehensive services from strategy, application development, and agency negotiations.

EHS and Sustainability Reporting

Streamline your EHS reporting with Trinity's regulatory compliance and sustainability reporting expertise for accuracy, efficiency, and reduced compliance risks.

Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Plan (SPCC)

Trinity has the expertise to develop SPCC Plans across numerous industrial facilities and can assist with plan revisions and program audits.


Local News

Proposed South Coast AQMD Rule 1159.1: Control of NOx Emissions from Nitric Acid Tanks

Proposed Rule Amendment South Coast AQMD Rule 1173

CARB Zero-Emission Forklift Regulation

Proposed South Coast AQMD Freight Rail Yards Rule 2306 Reporting Requirements

South Coast Air Quality Management District (South Coast AQMD) Proposed Rule 2306 sets emission reduction targets and mandates zero-emission infrastructure reporting for new and existing freight rail yards to help meet California and National Ambient Air Quality Standards (CAAQS & NAAQS). The rule was sent to board consideration on August 2, 2024 and is assumed to be approved with minimal changes to the draft language.The rule focuses on reducing NOx emissions from freight rail yard o...

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