United States

California - San Diego

The San Diego, CA team of Trinity Consultants/Sespe Consulting serves clients industries such as real estate development, waterfront development, mining and construction materials, agriculture, healthcare, manufacturing, oil and gas, and more. Areas of expertise and experience include EHS regulatory compliance, land use planning, NEPA/CEQA support, and SMARA requirements, and geological services.

Local Leadership

John Hecht

John Hecht

Principal Consultant
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California - San Diego

3990 Old Town Ave, Suite A203
San Diego, California 92110


California - San Diego

Our Services Offered

Our local San Diego staff have expertise in the following areas.

NEPA Support

Our team of scientists, consultants, and project managers are experienced in developing and managing diverse NEPA projects and compliance activities.

CEQA Support

Trinity's CEQA regulatory expertise, technical proficiency, responsiveness, and creative thinking empower clients with the insights needed to comply with confidence.

Land Use Planning

Trinity Consultants' land use planning engineers maximize project potential with expertise in feasibility, permits, CEQA/NEPA, compliance, public hearings, and regulatory negotiations.


Local News

Proposed South Coast AQMD Rule 1159.1: Control of NOx Emissions from Nitric Acid Tanks

Proposed Rule Amendment South Coast AQMD Rule 1173

CARB Zero-Emission Forklift Regulation

Proposed South Coast AQMD Freight Rail Yards Rule 2306 Reporting Requirements

South Coast Air Quality Management District (South Coast AQMD) Proposed Rule 2306 sets emission reduction targets and mandates zero-emission infrastructure reporting for new and existing freight rail yards to help meet California and National Ambient Air Quality Standards (CAAQS & NAAQS). The rule was sent to board consideration on August 2, 2024 and is assumed to be approved with minimal changes to the draft language.The rule focuses on reducing NOx emissions from freight rail yard o...

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